By Greg Gunther and Joshna Daya | Your Business Momentum

Many of us put off creating robust systems not because we doubt its value, but because we think things seem to be working fine without them, or we think we’ll get to it later.
In fact, 97% of organisations have minimal or no digital document processes, according to a Forrester report. But systemising your business isn’t just about ticking boxes – it’s about future-proofing your success.
The truth is, without clear processes in place, we risk chaos when challenges arise. It’s that moment when a critical issue hits, and suddenly, we realise how much smoother things could have been with documented procedures.
Waiting until it’s urgent can be a costly mistake, both in terms of time lost and opportunities missed. Systemisation isn’t just a luxury for larger businesses; it’s a strategic necessity for any business looking to thrive and grow efficiently.
The Risks
If you think business processes are important but not urgent, here’s where the risks start to stack up.
- Knowledge is retained in key people’s heads rather than being captured in a system. When they leave, the knowledge walks out the door. This can lead to disruptions, delays, and a difficult transition period for the team left behind.
- It’s hard for people to go on holidays without access to their phones for work calls. How often have you heard someone say, “I’ll keep my phone on me just in case”? This isn’t just a sign of dedication; it’s a sign that the business is over-reliant on people, rather than processes, to function smoothly.
- There is NO blueprint of repeatable success. Every time a task is completed, it’s done in a different way, which leads to inconsistencies in results and an inability to replicate what’s working well.
- It’s hard to improve what you haven’t documented in the first place. We keep doing more of the same and nothing shifts in the business.
The Benefits
Successful leaders know that systems are important and need to be prioritised, not just dealt with when they become urgent. They understand that we need to get the knowledge out of people’s heads and establish the best practice blueprint on how do things. They make time for this even though it’s not urgent so that the business is not reactive. They understand the price to pay is too high when people become frustrated, burnt out or leave and we have to start from scratch.
When was the last time you took a critical look at your business systems and asked yourself the question: As an organisation, have we really captured our knowledge and understanding on to our balance sheet by systemising the business?
Join us for a webinar Thursday 26 September – take some time to work on, not in, your business – more details and registrations page can be found here – Business Education – Assistive Technology Suppliers Australia (ATSA) Ltd