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The Australian Government Department of Health has released a new plan that will help support people with disability throughout COVID-19.

The Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus guides the Australian health sector response. This management and operational plan focus on people with disability.

You can download and read the plan here.

The Plan has been developed for people of all ages with disability, their families, carers, support workers and the disability and health care sectors. It will provide high-level guidance on a range of factors that need to be considered in managing and preventing the transmission of COVID-19 for people with disability. The Plan will be informed by a risk-based approach, prioritising individuals whose disability, current health status and setting, places them at significant risk of adverse outcomes related to COVID-19.

The Plan will be a living document and will be reviewed periodically, in line with the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Coronavirus. As new evidence and recommendations for how to manage the COVID-19 pandemic emerge, particularly in relation to disability, the Plan will be updated accordingly.

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